Friday, March 14, 2014

Gluten-free St. Patrick's Day Trifle

This post was supposed to be about pretty, shamrock-shaped cupcakes topped with green icing. I was making them for another fun treat for the coming weekend. But I discovered a cardinal rule when baking. Never bake when your kids are all awake. Between the, " Mom, I can't find..." and the, "Can I have some I know I can't have but am asking for in the hopes you are too busy to notice," then the screaming two-year-old with a bumped head, I managed to miss an ingredient. I'm not really even sure what it was. Probably corn starch.

But when I got the cupcakes out of the oven, they completely fell in. When my husband was walking by after I had attempted to move the from their cute little molds, he saw this:

Then he had the audacity to smirk at me and say, "Are you going to apologize for this?"

I looked at him like the crazy person he is and replied, "No. I'm gonna a make a trifle."

And it turned out quite well. I layered the cake crumbles with  vanilla pudding and homemade whipped cream with a little green food coloring mixed in. Everyone is loving it, and there was no need to apologize for something that tasted so good--even if it wasn't what I intended.

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